MKS认为,他们的提议为MKS和Coherent的股东提供了令人信服的战略和财务利益,并符合Coherent与Lumentum合并协议中定义的“公司优先提议”。MKS总裁兼首席执行官John T.C. Lee表示:“我们相信,把Coherent和MKS的技术产品结合起来,将为我们的客户提供真正互补的产品组合。我们将拥有领先的技术组合,经过验证的运营能力,深厚的客户关系和可持续和盈利增长的记录,独特的定位来解决我们客户最困难的挑战。我们相信,通过增加技术投资,创建新的解决方案平台,加速行业创新以及有意义的协同效应,MKS和Coherent的合并将推动增长和股东价值。”
附:MKS总裁兼首席执行官John T.C. Lee致Coherent董事会的信
Letter to Coherent’s Board of Directors
February 4, 2021
Board of Directors Coherent Inc. 5100 Patrick Henry Drive Santa Clara, CA 95054
Re: Potential Combination with Coherent Inc.
To the Members of the Board:
MKS Instruments, Inc. (“MKS”) has appreciated the opportunity to discuss a combination with Coherent Inc. (“Coherent” or the “Company”) over the past 12 months. We emphatically believe that aligning the technology offerings of Coherent and MKS would create a global leader in lasers and photonics providing our customers a truly complementary portfolio which reflects both the breadth and depth of our combined resources.
Notwithstanding your decision to enter into exclusive negotiations and ultimately execute a definitive merger agreement with Lumentum before we had the opportunity to present our case for a compelling transaction for your shareholders, we remain very enthusiastic and steadfast about a combination between Coherent and MKS. As such, we are pleased to submit this proposal to acquire all the outstanding shares of Coherent common stock at a price of $240 per share, representing a transaction value of $6 billion. Our current proposal is comprised of a) $115 in cash and b) 0.7473 of a share of MKS common stock for each outstanding share of Coherent common stock reflecting a value of $125 as of today’s market close.